Taylor Belle is a singer-songwriter with an unique, vibrant brand of artistry. The Los-Angeles based artist crafts her melodies and harmonies to provide an elevated experience. After opening up for T-Pain and receiving a cosign from Ye Ali, Taylor is ready to make her grand introduction with her upcoming EP Out Of Body.

When did you start your music journey?

 I started really young. Singing was always my thing. The first time I sang on a stage I was in third grade and the first time I recorded in a studio I was around 10 years old. I remember leaving that session and looking out the car window thinking, “I’m a singer. This is what I’m meant to do.” That’s been the vision ever since. 

What inspired you to pursue singing?

Singing was my first love. It’s always been my passion. Nothing feels more freeing and expressive to me than singing. It’s been my outlet through a lot of darkness and also so many beautiful moments. I’ve always felt like, “how could I not pursue this?” 

Who are some artists that influenced your sound and vibrant style?

My earliest memories are of me dancing in front of my TV in my living room as a little kid watching MTV. I was obsessed with Missy Elliot and 50 Cent. “Work It” and “Candy Shop” were my sh*t. I went on to be really inspired by legendary artists like Whitney Houston, Beyoncé and Celine Dion. Now I get inspiration from so many amazing R&B and hip-hop artists. I could go on and on.

 Describe the adjustments you had to make moving from NY to LA.

Moving to LA from NY was definitely quite the adjustment. COVID hit pretty soon after I moved here which was crazy to experience in a brand new place. A lot of people also don’t know this, but I was in an accident a week before moving here so I was in constant doctor appointments and treatment for the first year I was out here. Balancing those personal challenges while also navigating my way in a brand new place matured me a lot and changed me a lot as a person. I learned to be more patient and compassionate with myself and my process. I got out of my comfort zone and started building new relationships out here which I’m so grateful for. Learning myself so much more has also built up my confidence and self love and assurance so much. It’s been super transformative.

Name some challenges you’ve faced in your career so far and how did you overcome them.

I think one of the biggest challenges as an artist is always just the battle with self. Making music is so personal and at the end of the day you’re accountable to yourself. I’ve dealt with depression most of my life and used to go through months and months of it where I would feel like I was setting myself back by not putting my absolute all in. I’ve healed a lot and learned to check in with myself constantly and stay balanced so that I can handle those times with as much grace and focus as possible.

 Outside of that I’d say getting these rollouts together independently, but I’ve been really blessed to have incredibly talented friends and people that believe in me to collaborate with. I’ve also learned a lot of skills outside of the music like photoshop, video editing, and PR. I always make sure to find a way when I have a vision or goal in mind.

You had the opportunity to open for T-Pain and have your work noticed by Ye Ali, what are some things you’ve learned from them as you continue to grow in your career? 

Yes! Opening up for T-Pain was an amazing experience and definitely expanded my vision. Those were some of the largest stages I’ve performed on. He’s an artist who inspires me so much so that was such an honor for me.

I actually haven’t worked with Ye yet! He’s been super supportive of my music though, he’s a dope individual. I really admire his talent and work ethic. I love that he does so much in music beyond just being an artist or writing and that inspires me to do the same. I know it’ll be fire whenever we do get in the studio. 

Describe your creative process: is your music based on experiences, feelings, or a combination of both? 

 Both for sure! When I write I like to start off by listening to the music and seeing what feelings it evokes. I’ll usually just start freestyling some lyrics and melodies and then I’ll build on that initial feeling by adding things from personal experience. The process is never exactly the same and I love it that way. 

You’ve released a string of dope singles this year. What can we expect from the ‘Out Of Body’ EP and when will it be released?

Thank you!! I like to view the project as an experience. It takes you on a trip. You can definitely expect more songs that explore the title ‘out of body’ even further. I chose the name and tracklist around that concept. I wanted each song to feel “out of body” in it’s own way. You can get the full experience early in the new year!