AH: Let’s talk about your new EP ‘Endless Summer’ and your first single from the project, “Yesterday’s Heartache” featuring Bjrnck. How did you feel when this song was released?

FrankHaveMercy: I think every artist is a little nervous of how everyone will perceive it but I love this song so much and I knew it was going to be amazing so I wasn’t as nervous as I have been in the past.

AH: You touch upon a lot of themes in this EP surrounding love, heartbreak, and lust but “Melancholy” also presses on the theme of police brutality against Black women and men. Was this important for you to have this theme on the EP?

FrankHaveMercy:  Yeah, I talk about love a lot losing love feeling down but it’s also important to get those emotions that surround our life. The environment that I’m from and the people I lost growing up, it weighs on me when I’m recording. 

AH: How was the production process for ‘Endless Summer’? 

FrankHaveMercy: For this project, and usually, I only used three to four producers and we’re all really close. We’re going to the gym together, eating every meal together and we just created this routine out in Cabo. I wouldn’t even know how to describe the feeling. It felt like church. It’s just how one of my main producers Ila Orbis said, “It was just like our ancestors speaking through us.”

AH:  Where can we stream Endless Summer and follow you to keep up with your music?

FrankHaveMercy: Endless Summer is available on all streaming platforms. You can follow me on Instagram.

Check out the entire interview with FrankHaveMercy below: