Every week I can come here and speak on the current dumpster fire that is the Elon Musk regime at the Bird App. This week Musty Musky is firing any and everybody regardless of their functional importance to keeping Twitter going. He’s also inviting back all the problematic folks. I just need to know where Black Twitter is going if we dipsetting.

Black Twitter making sure twitter really dead before leaving pic.twitter.com/aVOn6ZhA5d

— Brooklyn (@BrooklynBoyB) November 18, 2022

Grown Ass Embryos

Not coming out the womb and having to go to work in morning! It’s giving, “All my life I had to fight“. I’m truly sickened for these twins. Can’t catch a break smh. But to be serious, it is very nice of this couple to donate their embryos for another couple that would like children and have had trouble conceiving. Upkeep has to be a lot of $$$$ and so to have these embryos just hanging out in the back of the freezer for three decades is kinda crazy. According to the article, about 25-40 percent of frozen embryos result in a successful birth. Indeed a true blessing to the Ridgeways, and hopefully these babies use that PTO!

Can We Pause The Simulation For A Hot Second?

C’mon let’s BFFR, what are real really doing here with Herschel Walker. Everything about this clown show is why I have issues with American politics. The game becomes about red vs blue, right vs left, my team vs your team. And when that becomes the main thing, then you get people like Trump and Herschel because there’s no such thing as decorum only victories. There are many Herschel gems like the hospital supervision that never was and his Special Duty Sheriff appointment but THIS is my fave

Herschel Walker answers that “women’s issues” to him are “grocery prices” and “gas prices.” pic.twitter.com/3KXoll8Uy5

— PatriotTakes 🇺🇸 (@patriottakes) August 31, 2022

We really need a break from politics. Like let’s just be lawless for a few years. Couch surf, find ourselves, cause this ain’t it.

Yay for Thanksgiving Traditions

Hands down the best part of the holidays is the kindness it invokes in people as a standard. People specifically choose to be nicer, more giving during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season. Of course this should be the case all the time, we should always move with empathy as our default point of view when interacting with others but hey what can you do. Anytime America can have some sense to it, we’ll take it. The bar is in hell lmao!

The best Thanksgiving tradition though has to be that of the grandma who accidentally texted the Thanksgiving invite to the wrong person back in 2016. The light-hearted snafu turned into an actual Turkey Day meet up between Grandma Wanda Dench and the then-17 year-old Jamal Hinton. And it’s been warming our hearts to know each year that this tradition has remained in tact of Hinton pulling up to Grandma Wanda’s for a plate.

The light-hearted snafu turned into an actual Turkey Day meet up between Grandma Wanda Dench and the then-17 year-old Jamal Hinton. And it’s been warming our hearts to know each year that this tradition has remained in tact of Hinton pulling up to Grandma Wanda’s for a plate.

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We love to see it!!!

Things I Found

How Far We’ve Come

Photo Credit

Utter wildness. Everything dealing with college has skyrocketed over the past 20 years and to think there’s all this boo-hooing about student loan forgiveness. Even medical care and hospital services going through the roof, you can see how much it pays to be sick and unhealthy and how timely this all is with us still living through a global pandemic with COVID-19 and its variants. All interesting things to see and note. Also these non-essentials like TVs, cellphones, and household furnishings being more affordable just hammers home how insignificant these things are in the grand scheme. But seeing a bulky back TV be $3000 is an absolute felony. What dark ages we’ve arisen from.